Friday, September 12, 2008


It's been almost four months since we've posed anything about Aiden, so here's an update about him. Aiden is . . . large. At his six-month checkup, he was in the 90th percentile for weight and off the chart for length. The week before last he weighed in at 22 lbs 4 oz.

Aiden has a very different personality from his sister. He's inquisitive and will study an object, particularly wheels, for quite some time before putting them down. He's also an explorer, trying to find all the places he can get into, going after electrical outlets, plastic bags, pieces of paper -- basically, anything we're not supposed to leave lying around. In that way, he's helping us start to keep a tidier house. Of course, it's hard to keep the house tidy because of another of his qualities: he likes to be picked up and held. In fact, he can quite angry if you put him down, even for a second.

Aiden has something like 8 teeth now. He eats like a horse and will consume any sort of baby food that we put in front of him. He seems particularly fond of sweet potatoes.

Aiden has been crawling for a while now and is able to pull himself to a standing position with no difficulty at all. He's definitely much more mobile than his sister was at this age. We expect that he'll be a early walker.

One more thing about Aiden, he apparently doesn't know that babies are supposed to be afraid of loud noises:

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