Saturday, January 26, 2008

More family resemblance

O.K. Danielle here for a brief moment. I was looking through some of our pictures, and came across some old ones. I have been taking most of the credit for the looks of our children. I have always stood by the fact, however, that Natalie is now looking more and more like Dan and that Aiden was born with, at the very least, his daddy's eyes. Well, here is a picture to take in. This is actually Dan...but I swear to you this is Aiden in disguise!!! By the way, baby boy is now 11lbs 10oz and 22.1in long. He's doing well, but is in reflux meds (thank goodness). They seem to be helping a bit, but it's still too early to tell. Natalie is still enjoying being a big sister, and I think we are finally getting somewhat used to being a family of four. I am feeling much more normal bring on the visitors (if you so wish)!!!!


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