Monday, October 29, 2007

From last post through October 31st

I know I need to be more consistent with my posts, if for nothing else, but that I can't remember anything anymore. Things are still going fairly well, but with 9 weeks left before Aiden is due (and we think less than that by the time he actually comes) we are starting to feel the pressure.
I have been trying to get Natalie to more and more activities with our playgroup, but it has now become harder. Some of our adventures included a trip to Homestead Gardens to visit some animals and look at pumpkins, Trick-Or-Treating at Annapolis Mall, and recently a Halloween Party. We also took another trip to visit family in WV.
Natalie is very excited about Halloween and all of the Fall Festivals. She has had the opportunity to see and pet a lot of animals, which she loves (especially the horses - God Help Me!). When she went trick-or-treating at the mall, she seemed to be more excited by looking at all of the other kids' costumes, often exclaiming, "Look, there's Cinderella. Ha! Ha! There's Buzz LightYear...I like Buzz LightYear!..." She met up with "Diego" at the germ pit, and that was all she wrote. Her and Diego played everywhere together, and if she lost sight of him you could hear her call, "Diego, Diego!" Of course, Diego didn't top a boat load of princesses though (Annapolis Mall has updated their "germ pit" and it now includes a row boat that the kids can climb into. At one point it was full with every kind of Disney princess you could imagine...Natalie couldn't resist). Many of the store workers who were handing out candy enjoyed Natalie's "Purple-ly monster" costume. Natalie got a kick out of that, and will tell you that people loved her "little tail." Secretly, o.k. it's no secret, she loves the little tail also!!!
Here's a somewhat funny story for you. Now that I am huge and have a hard time bending over, I opt to throw Natalie in the shower with me rather than give her a bath (if I am on my own). Well, that is proving to be a bit difficult now. My belly sticks out pretty far, and the other day Natalie is in front of me as I was reaching for the shampoo. Well, she felt a little crowded, and said "Mommy, my brother is in my way. Tell him to move please!" I had to explain that it wasn't that simple! it begins!
On our trip to WV, Natalie had many exciting adventures. We intended on riding a real coal-operated train through Cass, WV. Cass is where most of my Dad's family, including my dad, grew up. It's a small town that used to thrive on the lumbering yard there. The Cass Scenic Railroad has become a huge tourist attraction, and we found that out quickly when we couldn't get a seat on the train (it sold out). We hung around for awhile, but the next train wouldn't leave until 5 and it's a 2.5 hour round-trip. By the time we would get back it would be dark and cold. Not good for scenic pictures, or an extremely pregnant mommy, who would have needed to eat right away!!! But, Natalie had fun none-the-less, playing on the swings and toy train, and looking through the old country store. My aunt, uncle, and grandfather ran into some people they knew from when they lived there some 40 or more years ago! Natalie also got to meet a "real live Bambi!" There is a deer in my Aunt Lisa's neighborhood that had been cared for by a family (I am not sure of the circumstances behind that, but they bottle-fed the deer for some time), and it is pretty tame. Natalie loved playing with, and feeding the deer. I was a little nervous, though, and made sure I explained the difference between a pet and a wild animal to Natalie. I think she mostly got that, as she was pretty careful with the deer, but did not want to leave the deer on its' own for a minute!!! I am posting a link with all of the pictures from the trip...there was some great scenery on the way to Cass (and that's a big deal coming from me, since Mother Nature and I do not get along, and looking at leaves isn't really on my list of the most exciting things to do).
Some of the pics posted on the blog include the famous "Scionwistisis" (see previous blog on earlier trip to WV). Natalie was very excited to see the family again, especially Great-Pop-pop. There's also a pic of a pumpkin cake I made for the Halloween party. I am usually not this creative or ambitious. It turned out pretty well in my opinion, though it wasn't nearly as pretty as the one on the recipe I was going by!! But, it seemed to be a big hit at the party, as there was very little left. I am thankful for that!!!
Aiden and I are doing fine. I went in a couple of weeks ago for a follow up ultrasound. The dr. just wanted to check the placenta and baby again. Everything looks good, but they want me to come back in 4 weeks (well, 2 now) for another. They said that the baby is measuring big. You don't have to tell me that...I knew! They say Aiden is in the 89th percentile, but I truly don't know what that really means. At 29 weeks he was measuring about 3.9 lbs, and avg. for that gestational age is just under 3. That doesn't seem so big to me, but the docs want to keep an eye on it. When I went to my follow up ob appt. yesterday she said I am measuring 33 weeks (I am really 31). She guesses the baby would be about 9 lbs at this rate. I told her I thought I could handle that, but 11 or 12 lbs might be pushing my limit! She explained that this is why they want to check Aiden's growth again. She said that if the baby moves to the 95th percentile, they start talking induction. Personally, whether on his own or with some help (though I would prefer on his own) I don't mind him coming a bit early. I am banking on my 37th week, which is the week including December 15th. I am ready. The aches and pains are getting pretty bad, but I know it's all for a good cause!!!! Oh, and we're still debating on a middle name. I think Daniel or Connor are our top two choices, but we haven't officially decided yet.
Oh, and funny story (well to most other than me). I was trying to cook grilled cheese. This is something I usually can do. But, my mind has not been up to par lately, and I forgot that I was cooking (not good, I know). Well one side of the sandwich was charred pretty well. I tried to scrape it off, but it wouldn't work. I hoped beyond hope that Natalie would just eat it (I couldn't make another because I didn't have enough cheese, and that's what she wanted for lunch), because I was not feeling very well, and I was trying to get the pumpkin cake done for the party. I showed her the sandwich, and apologized. She said, very matter-of-factly, "You not a good cook Mommy!" Well, given how I was feeling I thought I would have had a meltdown, but I couldn't stop laughing. She ate the sandwich though, with no other gripes. She said, "I like the burnt stuff mommy." Yeah right, but thanks for humoring your mother! She has definitely been testing Dan and I lately. There are no terrible 2's, it's terrible 3's. But, overall, I am so proud of person I see her becoming. We are so lucky to have her, even if at times I just wished she stop talking ;)

Halloween went really well. Fortunately Natalie only lasts about as long as I can handle. She still made out like a bandit and really enjoyed trick-or-treating with her friend Ray. I will post those pics as soon as they are downloaded.

Pics from this summer - Natalie swimming (I just realized I never posted these):

Homestead Pics:

WV Pics!

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